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Apex Legends Mobile: Season 2 Koality Reactions


Jul 20, 2022

The second season of Apex mobile is now live, which includes access to the new battle pass, new mobile exclusive legend, new maps/modes and QoL updates!

Although a Battle Royale (BR) veteran, Apex has always been a game I’ve only played here and there until the recent move to mobile. I’ve always enjoyed the game but the requirement to squad up is a hinderance to me (I’m a lone wolf, what can I say?).

When the game first released on mobile I found it the perfect time to dive head first back into this popular BR and I was instantly hooked; playing daily and streaming it multiple times a week. It played very smoothly, kept the unique/fun vibe of the main game, and was standalone from the PC/console version. Then, after about 6 weeks into the first season, the familiar flaw that affected me with the PC/console port reared its ugly head. Because viewer engagement is top priority for me when streaming, I rarely use VC, so I was stuck playing with random gamers who constantly dropped Capital City and more often than not, got wiped. This got old quick, so I stopped playing season 1.

Although only a few days into season 2, I already feel the same enjoyment of early season 1. The newest mobile exclusive legend, Rhapsody, seems very powerful, and I was able to finally unlock the season 1 exclusive, Fade, which has been a blast to play. Not only that but the map I’m most familiar with, King’s Canyon, is making it’s first mobile appearance and it seems like there’s much more variety in spawn drops! I look forward to continuing my season 2 journey which will include playing more of the TDM mode.

If you don’t mind playing with random teammates and/or you have your own squad, Apex Legends is one of the best mobile BR experiences out right now and my initial reaction to season 2 is very positive. We’ll see where the season takes us but now is as good of a time as any to give this game a go.

From this portion on we will bring in Mr.Koala with a new player perspective as we look at some key points of the Season 2 Patch Notes!

New(?) map King’s Canyon:

Gosh: The arrival of King’s Canyon to Apex mobile is a much welcome addition and hits all the right nostalgic feels. Additionally the spacing of the map plays far superior than season one’s World’s Edge, as the high loot areas are all on the outskirts making the games flow from the outside in vs inside out (which caused for a jumbled mess of games without the right squad).

Mr.K: For me, having only played apex console in season 1, this felt perfect for jumping in to mobile. In the lower ranks the map can feel a little big as the flow of game play is a bit slower. But watching some higher ranks play make me excited to drop into some classic high tier POIs!

Battle Pass:

Gosh: As with most BR games the Battle Pass is roughly $10 and gives access to a plethora of character/gun skins, emotes and loot boxes. The highlight of the pass is the ability to unlock the new mobile exclusive legend, Rhapsody, with enough fragments at level 25. But because of wide selection of free legends to choose from, and that the pass will have to be purchased every season, I wouldn't recommend paying for it unless you are sure you will be putting a fair amount of time into the game.

Mr.K: I have two rules for buying battle passes. First is, I’ll buy it if there is a form of unlocking the next battle pass. It can be in the form of premium currency or just if you make it to the end or x level you unlock the next one free! Second is if I make it to the end of the pass before the season is up the amount of rewards I get are usually worth it after grinding it out! If I’m doing my math right you get exactly 800 premium if you complete the pass so you can either invest that into the next pass or buy what have you with your return investment! For me this BP is a Buy!


Gosh: Removing collision for teammates and the one-hand banner pickup were much needed changes which I think all can agree were great moves. For the Pathfinder mains, the hook pull adjustment is a massive change, as you now stay in place when you pull enemies towards you. Disabiling the second jump while healing on Octane's jump pad is the most controversial, I personally see it as a necessary nerf but others might not be as understanding, it's a big time change.

Your rank, point gain/loss is now transparent as they will appear during the match. Additionally, kills now count more than assists, which is long overdue and is surprising that it wasn't included during launch. Finally, we are now getting real time ranked leaderboards, another update that was a glaring omission upon release. Better late than never, I guess?

Mr.K: Being a new player I’ll hold opinions on balance having not player previous seasons. But I will say, seeing adjustments come to mobile specifically and champions coming to mobile specifically makes me very excited to play this game on mobile! Rank point balance, and live leaderboards are also very good additions!

Season 2 First Impression Content:


Apex Mobile Season 2, Let's Go! | Pokemon TCG Opening | Tacos > Tuesdays

Apex Mobile Season 2, Take 2, Let's Get It! | Pokemon TCG Opening | Over the hump, day

Apex + Mobile = Gosh x Greatness | Pokemon TCG Opening | Thirsty Thursday!


Apex Mobile Stream 1 Game 1

Apex Mobile Stream 1 Game 2

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