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Apex Mobile Community Ultimate Accelerant Guide


Nov 14, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to KoalityGaming community guide to Apex Mobile Ultimate Accelerants!

In this team based battle royal is it better to pick these up and use them or share them with your team? Let’s break down the Ultimates, and put them in order of least to most useful to have Ultimate Accelerants. This guide is based on feed back from the community using Reddit and Facebook to get your opinions heard!

F Tier:

Loba’s Black Market Boutique teleports nearby loot to your location. A very useful tool that is strong early and falls off as the match goes on. The one exception to this is the ability to find health/shields from cover mid fight. However, with such a short cool down it’s up quite often thus starts off our list in the F tier.

D Tier:

The D tier finds legends whose ultimates are useful more on a personal level than squad utility. Mirage’s Life of the Party sends out a team of decoys to distract the enemy legends. These ultimates allow for strong resets mid fight and only has up to a 1-minute cool down. Launchpad sends yourself, allies, and opposition alike into the air with a potential double jump. Mobility is key in most fights and this is no exception with a short 1.5 minute cool down. Although, they can change the tide of the fight low cool downs keep them low on this list. These next ultimates just barely edge out the previous tier as they provide team (and enemy) mobility, and have slightly higher cool downs than D tier.

C Tier:

Pathfinder’s zip line cool down is two minutes and it is a slightly higher priority as it can be place to get to usually unobtainable places. Wraith’s cool down is 3.5 minutes which could mean potentially no ultimate for multiple fights. Luckily rift is better suited for ambushing or even retreating from fights so having it up is helpful but others will be better off accelerated.

B Tier:

The B tier holds Ultimates that directly impact team fights. Crypto and Caustic can immediately lock down an area and set up some of the best surprise/ flank attacks. Rhapsody gives you the direct sight advantage in a fight this allows you to control the tempo of the fight. If they push in you can shoot through the shield, and if they try to run you can snip them from safety while they are highlighted on screen. All valuable ultimates in the correct situations, but they do require a bit more set up and may be a little less viable than some upper tier.

A Tier:

The ultimate in this tier are all about big team engagements. After you down someone, or catching someone off guard are some perfect opportunities to use these massive AOE ultimates. Aside from being aggressive, along with Bangalore's smoke or Gibby's done you can also use these ultimates to reposition and reset. Very good team oriented ultimates with cool downs long enough to be worthy of Ultimate Accelerants.

S Tier:

Lifeline sits alone in S tier. This is because, first and foremost, the charge time is 5 minutes. The charge time alone is enough to send accelerants this way, but add in that you get a guaranteed upgrade to the player's squad’s current load out, if possible. This comes in the form of armor and items. If and when I have a Lifeline on my team I am constantly pinging and or passing ultimate accelerants their way!

Important note:

It is important to remember that, apex legends mobile is a situational game. What that means is that in any given situation, the importance of any given ult can change. An example would be, in a location with lots of cover ults like Bangalore become useless, but Ultimates like Loba's shop for restocking mid fight become more viable. Use this guide as that, a guide. It is a base mind set to put you on the right path to critically think and make the best of each situation!

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the original post which can be found on Reddit here! If you would like to watch the full unedited vlog please watch it on Youtube here!

This is the first in a series of community driven guides for apex mobile. Next up we will be looking into perks for each legend! We look forward to hearing everyone's opinions and putting out more high end content!

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