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Koality Gaming APEX Mobile New Player Experience Bronze


Jul 27, 2022

Hello everyone and welcome to Koality Gaming’s New Player Experience: Apex Mobile.

First let me introduce myself and what my approach to this new content will be!

I am Mrkoala! I am a Mobile Esports Streamer/Analyst/Competitor. For battle royal experience, I have been playing, CoD Warzone since launch and more recently was named an ambassador for the Mobile BR FF7FS. I do have some season one Apex Console Experience, but only to the point where I go oh this looks familiar in Kings Canyon. I will be playing 4-finger claw so I am not new to mobile gaming but will be providing a new to apex specifically content and analysis.

Game population

With the end of a season, particularly in mobile gaming, we often see the same question pop up in social post. “Is this game dead?” As of right now, having just finished bronze, I can’t really say how populated the game is overall, but as with many mobile pvp games I’ve come to expect bots in lower ranked lobbies this game is no exception.

In peak hours there was always at least one other human team (often more). The only time I saw a full bot lobby (not including my teammates) was in the early morning or, off peak hours. I will say I am a frequent visitor of the Social pages in relation to this game and their is contestant conversation and posts daily if that is any indicator. It’s always safe to remember that, just because we have made the effort to find these social pages does not mean every player is or has access to so the number of players is not always evident of community content and or conversation!

Battle Pass Grind

I personally do not make an effort to grind the pass in any game. I usually play the game as usual, and gauge the pass worth, according to that. It does feel a little Grindy but each week you are given bonus incentives in game. I’ve seen this alone in other games drive players to play more each week and enjoy it! As I said above, I usually don’t personally make an attempt towards directly leveling a battle pass beyond just playing the game normal but it looks like I may have to grind this one just a bit!

Overall Mobile Feel

In the lower ranks the gratification feeling both is and is not there as yeah you win but there are a fair amount of bots in lower ranks. I will enjoy it more in higher ranks because even if I’m not winning I’m playing in more action packed games with more chance for improvement and enjoyment. Even that feeling of gratification can fade when this is a mobile game. Mobile usual leans a little more into the instant gratification, as it is meant to be, accessible on the go. Dedicating time to a BR map is not always an available option.

The Apex multiplayer maps definitely close the gap a bit. The best part to me is currently there are different types of multiplayer, in varying complexity! Although hack is a bit more time consuming the strategy of buying has the esports side of me screaming yes!

Overall, as someone who has some one who has previous mobile experience this was more of the usual through the lower ranks. Coming in and seeing “is this game dead?” As a new player that may be a red flag. When it comes down to it though, this is a very fun game that is not only competitive but on the go! To me that is a win win… win! I look forward to getting to the higher ranks to see if I can master the meta, and hopefully the high end skills!

Bronze Video Highlights HERE!

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