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Koality Gaming FF7FS Trickster Review: LessThanGosh


Sep 21, 2022

It’s been almost a month since the arrival of Season 4 for FF7FS and it feels like the player base is pretty much used to all the fresh updates we received. The Gold Saucer is a fun new location to visit, fresh new guns have made appearances, tornadoes are being flung around with reckless abandon, and of course, there’s the newest class the Trickster.

Even prior to getting my thoughts together for my personal review of this class, I knew it was going to be, dare I say, tricky. When I first played Trickster I thought it was hot garbage and I hated it; the melee sucked, the clone was dumber than any bot, and I was just getting owned left and right (yes, I know you’re wondering how that’s different from any other class for me… funny). Yet, as I came to the end of my level 60 journey and swapped to the Soul Drain skill, I found myself not hating this class as much as I initially did.

In my opinion, Soul Drain is one of the better skills in the game, especially if you are a non-Sorcerer materia user as it is the only skill that can instantly replenish MP. The fact that Decoy Card has a relatively fast cooldown, you can gain MP back to full rather quick, which makes for great survivability if you use include Aero and Cure in your arsenal. The other aspect I loved about the Trickster is the amount of gil you amass with your Gold Trick trait (which in turn aids your cooldowns and critical damage). Being able upgrade weapons/melee to max earlier than most is a huge advantage in the first few circles. Additionally, if you find a Gil Launcher as a Trickster it can be deadly; I found myself searching for this weapon early and often with this class.

The other skills and abilities I couldn’t find use for include:

Drain Shot skill - didn’t gain enough HP back to be worth using.

Seize skill - you already get enough gil, felt redundant.

Marking Card ability - admittedly didn’t use much at all as I felt it was a far worse compliment to Soul Drain, which I used constantly.

As previously mentioned, the Trickster class an interesting one to critique, as I ended up finding it much more enjoyable than I did initially but… I still think it’s one of, if not the, “worst” class. I put “worst” in quotes because I find that very subjective to play style, for me it’s “worst” because the melee is weaker than others and I find it to be a more materia friendly class. Whereas one could argue that Ranger is worst but I prefer the gunplay advantages with the more ammo, faster reload speed, and scan abilities.

Overall I would say the Trickster is a welcome addition to the FF7FS class roster. It is something different, unique, and has fun aspects which are always welcome in a hyper competitive Battle Royale. With that said, you’ll never see me play the class on my own accord again.


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