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Koality Gaming Podcast x FF7FS NA Tournament Prep: What We Know So Far Ft Verinius


Jul 26, 2022

Wow it’s been a long time since we’ve done one of these podcast! Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier is preparing for the NA Championship and I am beyond excited.

Let’s get right into it and take a look at the winning team compositions from the recent JP tournament and see what we can learn. My focus immediately goes directly to what stands out to me, and that is Ninja Sorcerer Ranger win 3 of 5 games. Trends like that are usually a good place to start when breaking down data so let’s take a look.

The ranger in this composition is what I want to talk about, as it is often considered one of the weaker jobs. In my opinion, that’s because it fills a particular role and we see that shine here. In a team tournament, where map information is so key, Ranger feels like the closest to a must have.

We will get into materia a bit later, but with blind being so high on the usage list Rangers Access becomes ones of the strongest spells in the game. On top of that, Rangers have a buff prior to the NA tournament. Rangers have even faster reload times after this buff. That means they supply much needed information to the team, and now have some potential playmaking ability. This in my opinion puts rangers in an almost must have role if they were not one already.

Sometimes in competition you might need to swap things up in order to get ahead. We all know in my Master the Meta content, I like to try limitbreak builds to push the meta. The composition of Ninja, Dragoon, and Monk take that to heart. This composition complete shifts to two high mobility Carries and a support capable of providing strong resets. Watching the footage from the JP tournament this composition seems key on sticking together and making pick off plays on the map. Especially late in the match if / when someone was caught out solo or spread out the Dragoon and Ninja would swarm followed by the Monk to set up mana wall for reloading and healing. With all 3 classes capable of playing in close, this composition, when paired with proper communication, becomes a very strong mobile force moving around the map.

To me I see a theme of two things: spells that are consistent at what they do and /or beneficial to the team.

Fire has always been consistent and although the skill floor is a bit higher the sheer lack of set up time makes it’s always high in use. Blind is a spell that a lot of people over look but it’s so powerful I mean even in the dev blog the pointed out the many ways to use it both to move safely but also to fire out safely in unison with access. Blind was so highly prioritized in the JP tournament that multiple candidates from each team were carrying it.

In matches full of constant engagements having a fall back is never a bad idea raise is like a reset button. It was also pointed out to me, raise doesn’t need to be leveled up. That allows you easier accessibility to the spell and if you find more than one, it’s probably a good idea to have it again on two candidates.

To end this post I want to give some more open ended advice.

That is, Mindset is a skill. Yes, you can train your hands to react and move around our devices or controllers at unreal speeds. You must also train your mind to critically think. Be confident in yourself and be confident in your practice. And remember, win or lose, the positive outcomes probably outweigh the negative so enjoy yourself!

Thank you all for reading and thank you to Verinius for joining me on the Podcast!

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