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Koality Gaming X Apex Mobile Crypto: Is he TRASH?


Oct 17, 2022

Whenever a new legend is included for an Apex season battle pass, I’m excited to start the grind to unlock them and it was no different with Crypto. You might be wondering, if this is the case why is your review coming out weeks before the end of season 2? Well, it’s because my initial reaction was that he was trash and I had no desire to play the legend after my first go round. I recently came back to giving him another try, but did my thoughts change?

Crypto is a ‘Surveillance Expert’ who specializes in finding and scouting out enemies. His passive skill is Neurolink which detects enemies and traps within 30 meters and his tactical skill, Surveillance Drone, allows you to deploy a pilot-able aerial drone. Once charged, his ultimate is the Drone EMP, which has your drone setting off a blast that deals shield damage, slows enemies, and disables traps.

When I first started getting serious into playing Apex I was a Bloodhound main, who also can scout out enemies, and used him as a comparison to Crypto. I initially thought Bloodhound’s skills were superior in every way, a main reason being the drone’s necessity to control to get the most out of it. Yes, you can have the drone follow you but to use the EMP effectively or see more than 30 meters, you need hide and drive it around.

Somewhat surprisingly, where I found comfort in Crypto and the ability to control his drone was in the current solo LTM. Not worrying about teammates running off and leaving you in the dust and taking your own time scouting out, dropping an EMP, and rushing opponents was not only fun, but where I’ve got my most solo wins. I now honestly feel that taking this legend and placing him in an organized team (preferably with coms) will make him shine.

So is Crypto actually trash? No, given the right situation, he is actually quite good. With the right team, or playing the current solo mode, this legend has invaluable skills. Trying utilize these skills with a random team… that more than likely will bring you to my initial reaction, and it stinks.

LessThanGosh Crypto Stream VoD

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