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Koality Gaming X FF7FS Dev Blog 9 Review


Oct 3, 2022

Chocobo Time Trials

For almost a year chocobos have been our faithful companions in the battlefield, helping us avoid death and achieve victory. Now these birds are ready prove themselves even more in the new time trials! Now when you jump on your chocobo during a match, checkered flags will appear on the mini-map; all you have to do is head to one and run through the moogle gate to start the race! From here you have 30 seconds to pass through 10 checkpoints to complete the time trial.

There are three difficulties (⭐ ,⭐ ⭐ ,⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ) and nine courses per map. Only true masters of the bird will be awarded the two new title badges so wear them with pride! The trials will only run from 10/3 to 10/12, so get ready to run NOW!

Variant Mode Update

Variant mode brought us the amazing ability to play with the iconic Sephiroth but we were still missing something... well that something is coming to the new update as the Cloud materia will now be available in these matches. That's right, we can now have the ultimate showdown play out in the Battle Royale realm and pit these two legendary characters against one another!

To help usher in this new possibility there will of course be some tweaks, specifically for the Variant team. HP will be increased across the board and HP recovery amount for skill that recovers HP when an enemy is defeated is also increased.

Patch Notes

Mrkoala here, and let me start this out by saying WELCOME BACK MELEE! This patch is stacked with QoL changes to the 3 major melee classes and the consistency of melee overall!

Below I will give a quick opinion on changes but to hear my full breakdown please check out my most recent podcast:

Looking at these changes and some of the changes below it appears the goal is to not necessarily make it so we can melee more but feel more confident and safe to do so. Being able to melee directly from guns makes mid to close range fights far more fluid. The feeling that as a melee focused job you can consistently push into melee, with out being gunned down while you swap to your weapon (or fist), is a good feeling.

  • Target lock for melee attacks now displays even when holding a gun.

  • In line with the above, when you tap the melee attack button, you will immediately move in to melee attack a locked-on target.

  • The time you are restricted from performing actions after getting up from a dodge roll has been slightly reduced.

Warriors can now embrace the inner Vince Carter and go for the dunk, and probably benefit most from the melee lock while using guns change. As now, their gap closer is even more threatening.

  • The style trait "Fearless Charge" now activates even when holding a gun.

  • The time you are restricted from performing actions after the third stage in a melee combo has been slightly reduced.

  • The "Countershield" skill has been changed to "Critical Ending".

    • Critical Ending Effect Increases the chance for a critical hit for the last attack in a melee combo. (Critical-hit chance Lv. 1: 40% → Lv. 2: 70% → Lv. 3: 100%)

All I’ll say for sorcerer is RAIN STAGGERS FROM THE SKY!

  • The "Reinvigorate" skill has been changed to "Staggering Touch".

    • Staggering Touch Effect Grants you the ability to stagger enemy candidates with attack materia. (Stagger gauge fill amount Lv. 1: 100% → Lv. 2: 110% → Lv. 3: 120%)

Monks have transitioned from a more support roll to an all out tank role. It’s not just avoid the red fist anymore it’s, I never want to be in melee with a Vigor Monk!

  • The "Manawall" ability has been changed to "Chakra Manawall".

  • The "Chakra Field" ability has been changed to "Vigor". -

  • A recovery speed up effect has been added to the "Awakened Strength" skill.

    • Chakra Manawall Effects Creates a defensive field in front of you that removes poison and recovers HP for candidates within the field. *The size of the defensive field is 1.5x the size of the original Manawall field.

    • Vigor Effects Nullifies blow-away attacks, reduces damage taken, and increases the effect of automatic recovery for the "Inner Strength" trait for a short amount of time. (Damage reduction amount Lv. 1: 25% → Lv. 2: 30% → Lv. 3: 35%)

    • New Effect of Awakened Strength Increases the automatic recovery speed for the Inner Strength trait. (Recovery speed increase Lv. 1: 14% → Lv. 2: 28% → Lv. 3: 42%)

Ranger changes are a big L in my opinion. I think they need to get things back under control.

  • The "Control" ability has been changed to "Scout"

    • Scout Effects Grants you the ability to call on a slug-ray that will scout the area in front of you for up to a distance of 80m and apply a marker on any enemy it locates, after which it will explode inflicting damage.

Although ninja did not need many changes the lower animation time of Melee 3 gives them a decent fall back strategy and I'm sure the poison if run will catch a few unsuspecting candidates off guard.

  • The time you are restricted from performing actions after the third stage in a melee combo has been slightly reduced.

  • The "Escapist" skill has been changed to "Poison Shuriken".

    • Poison Shuriken Effect Applies poison with the attack in the third stage of a melee combo. (Poison duration Lv. 1: 4 seconds → Lv. 2: 5 seconds → Lv. 3: 6 seconds)

Dragoon Melee is getting even more utility. Before it could potentially drain mana or apply bleeds and heal you. Now, you can jump more or even make them bleed more with CD reduction.

  • The "Aerial Wall" skill has been changed to "Urgency".

    • Urgency Effect Reduces ability cooldown time when you inflict damage with a melee attack. (Cooldown time reduction Lv. 1: 6% → Lv. 2: 7% → Lv. 3: 8%)

      • Cooldown time reduction is greatly increased when damage is from a divebomb attack. (Reduction for divebomb attack Lv. 1: 45% → Lv. 2: 50% → Lv. 3: 55%)

Machinist are getting decent buffs to the two lesser used gears which is a good QoL change.

  • Damage for the skill "Shooting Gadget" has been increased. (Damage Lv. 1: 7 → Lv. 2: 10 → Lv. 3: 13)

  • Time required before healing activates for the "Healing Gadget" skill has been reduced (3 seconds → 0.5 seconds).

I am one who feels that the marking card was underutilized for some amazing plays so hopefully these changes bring out its full potential.

  • Player copies created with the ability "Decoy Card" can no longer shoot when blind.

  • Cooldown time for the ability "Marking Card" has been reduced (150 seconds → 90 seconds). - Body visual effects when using the ability "Marking Card" have been removed.

  • The time you are restricted from performing actions after having warped using the ability "Marking Card" has been reduced.

On behalf of, thank you for reading and we will see you in Midgar!
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