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Koality Gaming X FF7FS Season 3 Review and a Look to the Future


Sep 1, 2022

The third season of FF7FS ended mere days ago and it seems like the hype for new content mixed with the success of the official NA Tournament has players on a euphoric high. But before we come back down to earth, let’s take a look back and reminisce, shall we?

The Good: 👍

Season 3 (S3) started off strong and some of my favorite aspects came at launch. First, the addition of a new map, Plateside, was a great addition and we were now given a 30min rotation between that and Undercity. Although I still strongly prefer the latter, Plateside has grown on me and just having a change of pace is great.

Although it took a few balance changes, I ended up really liking the new Machinist class as well. I always main the new classes at the start of a season to max it out and remember counting down the levels until I could move on. I returned later and love the mobility, strong melee, and of course, blast gadget (take that Warriors!… my true weakness…)

Although not technically a S3 event, the best thing to happen to this game, possibly ever, was the recent NA Tourney. It started off rocky with the cancelation of the qualifiers but culminated in a whirlwind final weekend, showcasing the best the game has to offer and providing a massive viewer count during the livestream.

The Bad:👎

With all the enjoyment above, there were some unfortunate new lows seen during the most recent season. First, and foremost to many, was the fact that stability issues continued to plague a large portion of the player base. This has been an ongoing problem since S1 and although I am #blessed enough to not experience this, I have heard and seen (via streams) it first hand; to put it bluntly, it’s unacceptable.

Second fail was the return of Blitz Mode, my god it was AWFUL. I will admit, my main gripe during the beta was that there wasn’t a reason to play it on a consistent basis… so we got a ranking system with exclusive in-game rewards. This prompted a few elite, coordinated teams to absolutely dominate, lowering the player count and thus making it a necessity to find a team, with VCs, to even stand a chance (this is NOT a criticism of any players what-so-ever, if you’re a boss, be a boss). If we had a large enough player base for progressive skill based match making in these Limited Time Modes, that would be ideal, but until then I would like them to stay more fun and leave the sweaty-ness to Ranked modes.

Last, but not least, was the lack of a community event this season. The last two we had Bahamut raids and they really brought everyone together; everyone with the same goal, working as one to defeat a common foe. It was beautiful man. We didn’t have something like that this season and I think people got burnt out with one another as the same familiar names kept popping up on the kill feed. This came to a head later in the season and left the community fractured and we are still feeling the effects.

The Expectation:👩‍💻

The main thing I want to see from the Devs this upcoming season is to PLEASE address the stability issues. This has to be a priority, as there are many leaving or struggling through the game, and that’s just sad because everyone should at least be able to play without such a worry. At the very least a serious, detailed letter from the Devs should be released acknowledging that they dropped the ball and updates are coming this season. I know this is not enough for those dealing with these issues as I don’t feel that this has been given the proper attention and we should be reassured they hear the community and will find a fix ASAP.

The Goal: 🥇

I have three personal goals for S4:

  1. Rank top 50 solo Prime

  2. Continue improvement on the competitive front by participating in as many player/official run tournaments as possible

  3. Do a better job of community building outside of Twitch by being more active in FB groups and Discord channels


See my First day Impressions of Season 4 Here

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