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Koality Reactions: FF7FS Season 4 Trailer


Aug 24, 2022

We are quickly approaching the one year anniversary of FF7FS and after the most recent JP

community stream it is apparent that there will be no slowdown of new content for us to enjoy! As we review what was revealed in the JP stream please keep in mind some details might have been lost in translation but be sure we will continue season 4 coverage as we move towards release.

Season 4 Trailer:
Koality Reactions:


I have to admit that I am pleasantly surprised with all the content that is being released for season 4 as I have been concerned with the direction of the game in the past weeks. There are still stability issues that have plagued the game since season 1, the growth of the player base has been stagnant, and in turn, the community has become restless. I had a suspicion that because of those issues on top of both the new Variant Mode and the NA Tournament both happening within the final week of season 3, we wouldn’t get the same amount of updates that we are used to seeing at the start of a season. Thankfully it’s still all there; a new style (Trickster), new materia (Tornado), new guns (Gil Machine Gun/Gil Shooter and Starry Unicorn) and even map updates! Whether or not this content has been locked and loaded for some time, the fact that all of it is still being released during a low point in the game’s existence is a good sign. It shows, at least for the time being, that the Devs are not giving up on FF7FS, which is good because neither am I.


My over all reaction is more beautiful looking competitive gameplay! But what is going to keep players here for another 3 month grind? Another prime helicopter skin that is available to #1 and #750? A new mode that has 5 variants to play and at most 2 maps currently? I see this getting redundant after a month tops, maybe the rewards will drag it out longer. Chocobo races* (time trials) are again at the end of the season so it does nothing for the next 3 months. we are getting additional locations to the maps we have, not an actual new map. Again how long do those feel fresh in a mode we grind 3 months for a helicopter skin?

It is unfortunate that stability for mid tier phone has been so rough. The lower population as a result has made the excitement of this game leave far faster than it comes. I think they need to start rotating these modes a lot sooner to keep the content engaging. This game is a ton of fun, looks amazing and new content looks fun and enjoyable but with out more consistence in the limited time modes there is not enough engaging content to warrant sticking around 3 months to get rewards and new content. We are coming up on the 1 year anniversary that’s not a long time overall (although some games don’t last that long ) and many games don’t hit stride until years after release so only time will tell. I very much enjoy this game and in my opinion we are in a position of waiting to see what happens first: the game hits its Tipping point and takes off or the Business side of gaming catches up and well. I’m hoping for the former and I’ll be here until the latter!

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