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Master the Meta X FF7FS 6/20


Jun 21, 2022

Welcome to another Edition of Master the Meta X FF7FS!

Koality Build: Yenvon's Punisher Aero Warrior!

Here is his Explanation:

"I use the sniper to cover long range, the lethal for mid range (anything beyond aero jump distance) In close range, and in any situation I can safely make close range, I use sword and magic. Fire is for combos, either initiating combos by sending them to me (if they're running or I'm coming from an aero) and for following up a successful dunk knockback. Cure is cure, I use it if I have no cover for potions to take effect, and if I have full mana plus no immediate threats to conserve pots. Aero is for three purposes, to initiate against people behind cover or on a higher level (with falling fire to start melee), to blast other melee classes off me, and to escape when I see my health falling faster than I'd like. I only use punisher when I am engaging another melee class or I know it's a hard fight, like someone known or a 1v2 1v3.

Full Video HERE

Meta Build: More Bio More Guns

Featuring Bio and Inferno again this week to show off the suppressive power of each and how to use them to gain advantages in situational fights! This week I bring cure and add in fire as its consistency always keeps it in the meta and I need to Master it!

Full Video HERE

LimitBreaker Build: Surprise Slow

This build is based of watching pinkteddy in a KPL match where he caught multiple people off guard with the gravity blizzard combo! I took it a bit further and brought the High Jump Dragoon to really drop in and surprise the enemy! This build is all about using the mobility of dragoon to get in close and SURPRISE the enemy!

Full Video HERE

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