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Master the Meta X FF7FS 7/11 (BLITZ MODE)


Jul 12, 2022

Welcome to another Edition of Master the Meta X FF7FS!

Koality Build:

After a week off from Master the Meta we are back! It’s FF7FS and Blitz mode is back and I cannot be more excited so let’s get into this weeks builds and try to master the meta!!! First off the Koality build is what I was playing during our last go around with blitz. That is, Dragoon with Dragons Favor and Wide Swing. For me Dragoons Wide Swing feels so clean on this condensed map.

Materia is a bit swapped up from last time, as Dragoon no longer has bio, and instead has Gravity. I absolutely love this change I feel like it perfectly compliments what the Dragoon offers on this map, and that is get in close and be disruptive on point while using your strong wide swing melee. Gravity allows you to cover one side of the point while rotating to the other to melee or aim back and fire at the gravity when triggered!

Guns are MP60 by default for all classes now. Quite honestly, I feel buying a gun puts you at a min/max disadvantage. First and foremost, this mode is designed to promote melee. Now that’s not to say guns do not have their place, as they are very good for pushing the point and suppressing during defense. If you are buying a gun you are potentially spending the same 200 Gil that someone is spending to get a level advantage on something they already have or an accessory to counter part of your kit. Yes skill will be heavily involved and if you buy a gun you are good with you will most likely carry to some wins. For me, I’ll put the time in to get the skill on the MP60 and maximize my spending potential!

Full Video HERE

Meta Build:

Meta Build this week is what we saw be the most used in the brief meta we had during blitz ver1: Spam AoE Spells! And what better way to do that than on Sorcerer with Trance and Precise Casting! Materia for Sorcerer is unique this time around as it is the only class with access to thunder, arguably the most meta materia last ver of Blitz Mode. There is however access to Thunder ring which takes away some damage, but taking Precise Casting brings back some of that damage via crits. Thank you to community member KARMA for pointing this out! Paired along with fire Sorcerer is a very strong mid range point suppressor. The way I play it is with the knowledge of time is a resource to the attacker as in you don’t have to blindly rush the point and be on it to win. You can suppress and control the point and then move in close as a team to capture. This is important to think about as a Sorcerer as in close in most melee situations you will be out classed. However, if you use your mid range power to waste potions or potentially get a kill your team and yourself can swoop in for the ace and the capture! On Defense we have the knowledge of we only a minimum need one person on the point when the opposing team has someone on the point as that is the only time they opposition can score. Again as Sorcerer we use that knowledge to keep at mid range and lay down suppression and rotate to defend on point as necessary!

Full Video HERE

LimitBreaker Build:

Now I Feel if I’m going to go on about how I think guns are not in favor of maximized spending in blitz, than I should include the counter argument and simple name this wells limit break build GUNS!!! Competition and Competitive gaming is measure of skill. And being a Skillful shooter in a game that involves shooting is going to put you in a good place. That’s not to say that learning the “builds,” and preparing for how to face various situations is not part of the skills needed, but at the top level Mechanics will usually win out. For this build I will be running Ninja, which comes with Fire and Blizzard. Both spells are very complimentary of gun play, with blizzard providing cover when needed and fire for close explosive engagements. But I will primarily focus on again being on point as necessary and using my guns to surprise on both offense and Defense! I will be using the Lethal Gaze mostly as it’s the gun I feel meets the power/control level I’m at. Other guns such as, the Shinra Type B, can be single fired at a rate that’s an absolute nightmare for the power it puts out. Dissent Bane is also an option, for those who can control it, as there is a lot of close up engagements and that’s where the fire rate of the Bane shines!

Full Video HERE

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