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To Be A Legend : First Impression of Unlockable Legends


Aug 12, 2022

It takes a lot To Be A Legend.

When it comes to Apex beginning that journey starts by choosing the right legend to play. There are many to choose from and even three that are locked when you first download the game; this is a personal review of these legends.


Rhapsody is the mobile season 2 exclusive that can be obtained by either character pieces (through battle pass) or syndicate gold (purchased through shop) and is a support legend who can help her team through the power of music! After hearing a lot of great things about Rhapsody and how powerful she was, I couldn't wait to get my first session in but quickly realized she was not the legend for me. Her tactical and passive abilities, Hype Anthem and gifted ear, are useful but I found another another's similar and more enjoyable, which I will get to. Her ultimate, Rowdy's Rave, is powerful but it just helps vs opponents on the opposite side of the wall so unless you're against the last team, or are certain no one is behind you, it feels limited. I can see Rhapsody having a place in many competitive teams for her strong support but I did not find her fun to play as all her abilities are very situational and don't offer enough variety in gameplay.

Gameplay of Rhapsody


Fade is the mobile season 1 exclusive that can be obtained by either character pieces (through battle pass) or syndicate gold (purchased through shop) and is an offensive legend that phases in and out of the void! This was the first locked character I gained access to and was excited to play the first mobile exclusive legend but that excitement quickly FADED away. It could be that my understanding of his abilities are as bad as my jokes but I couldn't get a handle on the best times to use the tactical Flashback or ultimate Phase Chamber. Apex is the rare battle royale that I don't look for an escape when in the heat of battle so Flashback in particular was truly a mystery to me. Overall I didn't feel like any of the abilities did enough to enhance the gameplay of the character or help the team and I just did not find myself having fun with his kit.

Gameplay of Fade

Loba is the first, and currently only, locked legend that is a carry over from the PC/Console version of Apex and can be obtained by either character pieces (through battle pass) or syndicate gold (purchased through shop), she is a support legend that enjoys the finer things. Before trying Loba I hadn't seen her used much and I tend to not enjoy support legends so I wasn't expecting much but as it turns out, I was very pleasantly surprised. Apex is all about gunplay and those with the best loadouts, especially early, tend to have the upper hand; Loba makes acquiring your preferred set up a breeze with her fast charging ultimate Black Market Boutique (BMB) and passive Eye For Quality (EFQ). EFQ lets you see epic and legendary loot through walls and BMB allows you to teleport loot to your inventory, meaning less time searching and more time slaying. On top of this she has incredible mobility with the tactical Burglar's Best Friend which allows you to teleport almost anywhere on the map in a given area. To me Loba is the perfect mix of a legend, not only does she provide team support but also has abilities that strongly aid you in battle as well. It's no surprise that I now consider myself a Loba main.

Gameplay of Loba


These are my initial thoughts to my first time playing these three legends; of course if I were to play them more and put more of a focus on learning their ins and outs my opinion might change but I want to give my raw, gut reaction. If anything, I hope it can give you an idea of what to expect right off the bat so you don't waste too much time with a style that doesn't suit your game play. It takes a lot To Be A Legend, but this and all the other resources available at Koality Gaming will help get you on the right path.

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